We are delighted to congratulate the students and staff at Rye Studio School which has just been judged as Outstanding in all areas by Ofsted.
Inspectors clearly recognised the unique nature of this ‘ground breaking’ school where ‘each student’s uniqueness is celebrated and planned for rigorously.’ The school’s programme for career guidance is described as ‘exceptional’ and ‘firmly rooted in the strong relationships with a diverse range of employers.’ Regular work placements lead students to ‘see the world of work very much as it is and learn quickly the expectations this places on them.’
The report states that ‘the behaviour of students is outstanding’ and ‘students benefit from meeting inspirational people from the world of business…as well as the excellent role modelling from the staff.’ Students value the relationship with their personal coaches, ‘it makes them feel safe in expressing themselves and discussing any problems, whether academic or personal.’
Teaching, much of which is ‘developed through…projects which have real purposes’ is described as ‘highly effective’ across all subjects and year groups. ‘It enables students, from all groups, to become poised and successful learners. As a result, they achieve in ways they might not have first thought possible’ to parents’ evident delight; and ‘their social, moral, spiritual and cultural development is of a high order.’
Finally, Jo Townshend’s leadership is described as visionary and determined. ‘She knows what she is seeking to achieving: a creative, exciting and business like school, with high expectations, in which students are given respect and take real responsibility.’ Other leaders are also considered to be ‘inspirational, creative risk takers’ who enable students to learn in ‘enterprising ways’.
Well done to one and all!